Offices need to be multi functional to accommodate for the many different work place situations you will be in. Sometimes your employees will need to be focused other times collaboration will be key. There will also be times of training and learning, and of course, socializing. Read below to learn how to design your office for these four main work modes.
Focus can be hard to find in the age of the open office space. In order to reduce interruptions include smaller work break out areas in your office space to allow for more privacy. Panels, room dividers, and modular pods are some other options to minimize noise and distractions.
Symmetry Office | Urban Wall
Collaboration doesn't always need to be forced. Instead of using giant conference tables and forcing large meetings try incorporating smaller "touchdown" spaces around the office. Use smaller end tables for quick meetings or even seating areas for 3-5 people.
Being able to recruit and train new employees is essential. Having space for formal and informal training will be crucial. A formal learning area would be a training room. An informal learning area could be a comfortable spot off to the side with sit to stand desks, tech tables, or comfy seats. Here employees can have a quiet and refreshing space to self-study.
Training Room by TSC
Taking short breaks throughout the work day is necessary to stay productive. Provide employees with a space that encourages them to have a cup of coffee or lunch with people in the office that they might not communicate with on a regular basis.